Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday That's Kind of Like Friday

Hey Peachy Girls!

I'm pretty psyched today for a number of reasons:
1. It's SO gorgeous out! I just want to find a patch of lush grass and lay in it.
2. I got my butt to the gym this morning. It wasn't the best workout of my life, but I got 'er done.
3. My office is closed tomorrow, which means that today is kind of like Friday for me...hurrah!

Jump for Joy!! (source)
On an eating note, I think I did pretty well this week. Though I have seen no movement on the scale whatsoever (and I kind of want to pull my hair out because of it), I am hoping that I'm at least losing inches. I need to measure myself this weekend. I ate a lot of the same things this week, here's the rundown:

Breakfast: always a banana & pb smoothie. works every time.

Lunch: I made zucchini lasagna using low fat ricotta, mozzarella and crushed tomatoes. I packed this up every day and brought it to work.

Snack: grapes or a yogurt

Dinner: ground turkey enchilada (in whole wheat tortilla) or ground turkey meatloaf

Dessert: None

Blah. Not exactly starving myself, but still. It would nice to see at least a little movement on the scale!

As for the gym, I did cardio strength + weights on Monday and this morning, plus Zumba on Tuesday night. I'm super sore! I skipped yesterday, but hopefully the 5 Day Challenge will still count if I go tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday too :)

How are your weeks going? My Zumba instructor played a great Britney song in our class this week and I am now obsessed. Oh Brit Brit:

Oh and I almost forgot to mention that I saw Bethenny and Bryn yesterday! They were walking into her apartment building. I wanted to hunt her down and ask if the 3 of us could work for SkinnyGirl, but she was gone too fast. Weird. Did you hear that her new SkinnyGirl flavor is going to be white sangria? This Saturday at a BBQ I was totally playing sales rep for SkinnyGirl margs every time someone walked over to the drink table.

Thanks all for now, until later!


  1. so jealous today is your Friday!! I am totally crashing today - i am staying at school until 7:30 and then breaking free for soccer. It's a blessing that the library is only open until 5:00 on Fridays! Excuse to get outta here!!

  2. fun post! love the phot of the leaping lamb, haha! banana and pb smoothie sounds sooo good! i'll have to try that! maybe add some chocolate syrup :) (PS-Want to win a pair of shoes of your choice? Enter today on my blog:
