Friday, July 1, 2011

How I Measure Up

So I'm doing it. I'm putting myself completely on the internet.
I'm going where I never thought I would have to go: sports bra pictures.
I am hoping that by putting up these pictures and my measurements I will be motivated to lose weight and workout in order to tone my body as a whole.
Not only that but yesterday I went to Weight Watchers and joined their new PointsPlus Program.
Honestly, I am really proud of myself because I think that this is the way to go.
With WeightWatchers I am able to make my own healthy choices but just with some guidance when it comes to the amount I intake.
Well I guess I can't delay this any longer. Here goes nothing...

Ah yes, the front. I'm not going to sit here and criticize my body because that isn't what I want to do. I want to stay positive and just keep in mind that in 6 weeks time I want to look better than this.

I actually don't dislike my body from the side, in fact I was actually encouraged by the side view when I saw the pictures.

Ah a back roll! (sorry I had to let one jab at myself in there)

Finally the measurements:
Waist: 34.5 inches
Hips: 43 inches
Bust: 40 inches
Arms: 12.5 inches
Thighs: 25 inches

Between my inches and my weight (definitely disclosed information still hahaa) I really hope to see some numbers go down.
Wish me luck!



  1. I love you Stine Bean, and I love you for doing this! So excited to see where this journey takes you :) You may have motivated me to want to do this too. Maybe.

  2. Woop woop go christine!

    I am happy you are doing WW - its really the best way! You can live your life and get help with decisions! I am going to take my measurements today and post as well! Here we go 4 weeks until Aruba!!

    I may also be going to Target today to look at some possible tankinis...juuuust in case!!
