Friday, July 1, 2011

How I Measure Up

So I'm doing it. I'm putting myself completely on the internet.
I'm going where I never thought I would have to go: sports bra pictures.
I am hoping that by putting up these pictures and my measurements I will be motivated to lose weight and workout in order to tone my body as a whole.
Not only that but yesterday I went to Weight Watchers and joined their new PointsPlus Program.
Honestly, I am really proud of myself because I think that this is the way to go.
With WeightWatchers I am able to make my own healthy choices but just with some guidance when it comes to the amount I intake.
Well I guess I can't delay this any longer. Here goes nothing...

Ah yes, the front. I'm not going to sit here and criticize my body because that isn't what I want to do. I want to stay positive and just keep in mind that in 6 weeks time I want to look better than this.

I actually don't dislike my body from the side, in fact I was actually encouraged by the side view when I saw the pictures.

Ah a back roll! (sorry I had to let one jab at myself in there)

Finally the measurements:
Waist: 34.5 inches
Hips: 43 inches
Bust: 40 inches
Arms: 12.5 inches
Thighs: 25 inches

Between my inches and my weight (definitely disclosed information still hahaa) I really hope to see some numbers go down.
Wish me luck!


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday That's Kind of Like Friday

Hey Peachy Girls!

I'm pretty psyched today for a number of reasons:
1. It's SO gorgeous out! I just want to find a patch of lush grass and lay in it.
2. I got my butt to the gym this morning. It wasn't the best workout of my life, but I got 'er done.
3. My office is closed tomorrow, which means that today is kind of like Friday for me...hurrah!

Jump for Joy!! (source)
On an eating note, I think I did pretty well this week. Though I have seen no movement on the scale whatsoever (and I kind of want to pull my hair out because of it), I am hoping that I'm at least losing inches. I need to measure myself this weekend. I ate a lot of the same things this week, here's the rundown:

Breakfast: always a banana & pb smoothie. works every time.

Lunch: I made zucchini lasagna using low fat ricotta, mozzarella and crushed tomatoes. I packed this up every day and brought it to work.

Snack: grapes or a yogurt

Dinner: ground turkey enchilada (in whole wheat tortilla) or ground turkey meatloaf

Dessert: None

Blah. Not exactly starving myself, but still. It would nice to see at least a little movement on the scale!

As for the gym, I did cardio strength + weights on Monday and this morning, plus Zumba on Tuesday night. I'm super sore! I skipped yesterday, but hopefully the 5 Day Challenge will still count if I go tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday too :)

How are your weeks going? My Zumba instructor played a great Britney song in our class this week and I am now obsessed. Oh Brit Brit:

Oh and I almost forgot to mention that I saw Bethenny and Bryn yesterday! They were walking into her apartment building. I wanted to hunt her down and ask if the 3 of us could work for SkinnyGirl, but she was gone too fast. Weird. Did you hear that her new SkinnyGirl flavor is going to be white sangria? This Saturday at a BBQ I was totally playing sales rep for SkinnyGirl margs every time someone walked over to the drink table.

Thanks all for now, until later!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

5 Day Challenge!?

Sooo...remember yesterday when I said it was my goal to work out five mornings in a row? I hope that part of that goal wasn't that the workout had to be at the gym.

I set my alarm for 5:45 this morning, and per usual, I scoffed at the thought of actually getting up. 5:45 snoozed into 6:00...and I finally had to get up to use the bathroom. I padded back into bed, thinking oh well, I'll just sleep until 7:00, I am too tired for the gym. I ended up laying in bed until 6:15 wide awake and finally thought, 'Alright. I am up, I will at least lift weights.' Andd I did!

It went a little something like this:

  • 10 Pushups
  • 10 Squats
Quickie Workout: I broke down my exercises into 3 groups, completing each group 3 times.
  • Group One
  • Lunges (x 15 each leg)
  • Piroutte Squats (x10)
  • Pushups (x 10)
  • Group Two
  • Bicep Curls (x20)
  • Front/Lateral Arm Raises (x10 each direction)
  • Dead Lifts (x15)
  • Group Three
  • Tricep Kickbacks (x15)
  • Chest Press (x 20)
  • Flys (x15)
  • Skull Crushers (x15)
Finally...i finished up with some planks, side plans and ab work.

Normally, I don't feel like I get the same type of workout at home as I do in the gym, but today I was very sweaty and definitely felt the burn! I feel good today and even knocked 1 lb. off the scale!

This makes me down to 9 lbs total lost since about March - its been pretty inconsistent with dieting and exercise but I hope the next few weeks will be consistent and I can rack that number up to a whopping 15 lbs!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Anyone else on the Bon Iver obsession train?

My new favorite tune...its perfectly melodic and soft while still upbeat...which do you prefer - the original or the delicious cover?

I've been listening to both on repeat for a few days now and love them both!

Happy Tuesday, Peaches!

Good afternoon my little peaches!

I am finally able to post my first entry, and although I do not have a lot of exciting and groundbreaking news, I hope this development begins a long and exciting relationship between me and this blog....or maybe just a long one. I guess the amount of excitement is TBD.

As the end of June is rearing its ugly, sweaty and humid head, I keep thinking where did the time go!? For one, the bar exam is in the month of July. Once Friday hits, I will also be in the month July. ::rocking in the corner, biting my nails commences::

And two, only one month until we leave for Aruba!! Which means, on top of rocking back and forth in the corner, I mean, studying for the bar exam, I have to get my exercise on!!

So far, its been a struggle. Doing any sort of physical activity after the day of studying, is out of the question, as I usually walk the 10 blocks home in a sweaty, catatonic blur before collapsing in bed. Therefore, my only option is the wee hours of the morning, I am talking 5:30-7:00 am.

At times, I have been good, like really good. Like, didnt order a cheeseburger when everyone else at my table did, and I pretended to think my leafy greens, no dressing, salad was just what I wanted...right. I was also really good, when I woke up on Sunday morning to go for a run through Brooklyn Heights. They don't call 'em the Heights for no reason, those things are hilly. But gathering myself into a bathing suit two hours later proved that, just one run and one salad, were NOT enough. I even woke up on Monday early to lift weights in my living room...and by that I mean, I did some bicep curls while watching Today show. FAIL.

But besides that, its just been me, flabby and lumpy chillin' in the corner, rocking. I need a change, I know once I get going, and if I could just make it to the gym 5 days in a row, it will come fast, but the 5 days in a row part has plagued me.

Here's hoping my first post spurs a little excitement, and I can report back in 5 days, that I did in fact make it to the gym every morning!

Let's start out small, because we can always keep it going, to 10! Anyone else up for the 5 day challenge?

Monday, June 27, 2011

A New Beginning

"My diet starts tomorrow"
How many of us fall victim to those four words? I'm sure every woman has said it once or twice... or three hundred times... But here I am saying it again. Hopefully, by declaring it on the internet I will be able to stick to a new routine and record my progress.
So, saying that, today I have kept myself eating healthy and trying so hard to walk past the box of cookies and ignore the sheet cake with buttercream icing being stored in the freezer for whenever one might desire it. Instead I went with:

Breakfast: Irish Oatmeal with some vanilla protein powder
Lunch: A healthy baked ziti my mom made but using spaghetti squash instead of pasta
Snack: Romaine lettuce with some ginger dressing (yup this kind from japanese restaurants, yum!)

I plan on working out tonight and writing up a post with my measurements and even include a "before" picture (yikes!!).

Talk to you later


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Piece of Cake

I had hoped that for my first daily eating post, I would have had some great news.

Regaled you with tales of fruits and vegetables and stomach shrinking.
But it didn't happen exactly like that. I'm letting you in on a secret...
I ate cake yesterday. A big fat delicious slice of cake.

Smoothie: banana, protein powder, pb

string cheese & coffee (a natural combo, no?)

Southwestern salad: grilled chicken, black beans, corn, lettuce (I give it a 2 of 5 stars)
1 slice of Magnolia Bakery vanilla cake with chocolate frosting
(it was someone's birthday. And I have no self-control)

English muffin pizzas!: whole wheat English muffins, sauce, mozzarella cheese

15 minutes of squats/lunges/leg kicks
45 minutes of Zumba (my favorite exercise ever)

- Rachel

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sister Slim Down

       The "Sister Slim Down" can easily be described in a few words: Three sisters working their butts off (literally and figuratively) to look hot and feel great in their bikinis. 

       Let me tell you, none of us are tiny girls by any means. We’re, in a word, “normal.” With Rachel and Kim standing at around 5’5” and me (Christine) at about 5’9”, the Cannon girls have collectively inherited big boobs, wide backs, soccer thighs and broad shoulders. After years of constant dieting and complaining about our lack of fast metabolisms, we finally made a promise to each other to get ourselves in shape in time for vacation!

       Whether it is weight, inches, or BMI, all three of us have one goal: to lower our numbers. In the next 6 weeks we plan to change our eating habits and workout as often and vigorously as possible. With the promise made on this blog and our promises to each other, we should be looking hot and young in no time!

Wish us luck and stay tuned for updates from each sister!
